31. What factors in a work situation motivate you? 工作中有哪些因素能够激励你?
问题分析: 在这个问题上, 面试官要捕捉的信息点是: 第一, 你是什么样的人?能直截了当告诉面试官自己需要钱来激励的申请人一定是比较爽直的人; 一个需要老板表扬的家伙一定自尊心很强, 等等。第二, 这份工作到底能否让你满意?
回答示范: There are many, hehe, I’m easily motivated. Money; of course; is a key motivator. The sense of achievement also motivates me a lot, say, winning honors, being praised by boss, clients and colleagues. In addition, pressure can provide motivation for me, too.
点评: 很全面的回答, 体现出申请人的几大优点: 第一, 实话实说自己喜欢钱; 第二, 自己是个容易被鼓舞的人, 要知道面试官最怕招聘进来一个不爱钱财、不爱美人的冷面人, 不爱吃胡萝卜的驴不可能好好拉磨; 第三, 自己是个好胜心很强的人, 喜欢获得奖励获得老板与客户的认可; 第四, 自己不怕压力。
应届生银行求职全攻略-应聘银行推荐必读六、 关于职业目标的问题
32. Where do you see yourself being in your profession in five years? Why did you establish these goals? 你的五年职业目标是什么?你为什么会确定这样的职业目标?
问题分析: 与中国面试官相比, 老外更加重视这个问题。在这个问题上, 面试官捕捉的信息点是: 第一, 这个家伙是个有计划有目标的人吗?第二, 他对自己所申请的职业了解吗?他知道这个职位的下一步是什么吗?第三, 这个家伙所制定的职业目标切合实际吗?此外, 外国面试官往往是你未来的直线经理或者顶头上司, 与人力资源部的面试官相比, 他更希望遇到一个已经斩钉截铁地决定要在这个领域里发展的申请人。
回答示范1: Well, I hope I can be a brand manager in five years or so. Launching and managing a brand, introducing it to as many customers as possible, in my opinion, will bring me great job satisfaction.
点评1: 对于有志从事市场推广活动的应届毕业生, 这个答案可谓中规中矩了。
回答示范2: In five years? I think there are two possibilities. I will either be working as a senior in sales, or I will join a management team as a sales manager. You know during the past three years I worked my way up from sales rep to sales team leader, and I’ve felt that both positions have their own attractions. So, in five years, I would be happy to be head of sales at a company, or, if I can be a team leader in such a huge company like Siemens, that would be even better.
点评2: 在小公司里, 要一个高职位往往很容易。如果是在大公司求职, 你可以尽量淡化对高职位的向往, 而强调对工作内容本身的追求。
33. What will you do to achieve your career goals? 为达到职业目标你会做什么?
问题分析: 在这个问题上, 面试官要捕捉的信息点有两个: 第一, 你为实现目标而要采取的措施是否非常合乎实际?第二, 你所申请的这份工作, 能否给你机会让你去一步一步实现自己的职业理想?
回答示范1: To achieve my career goals, I think performance is the answer. If I perform well in the current position, I would naturally win the trust of the management team and move on to the next step of my career path. So, what I’ll do is to work hard, and achieve good results at my job.
点评1: 说得很对, 把本职工作做好了, 升职机会自然就来了。任何单位都喜欢这样脚踏实地的人。
回答示范2: My long term career goal requires a wide range of skills. What I’ll do is to keep improving myself, at work and through self-training outside work. As a matter of fact, I’ve already started. I’ve enrolled in a two-month English training program in New Oriental because I know English is important for my job.
点评2: 这个答案很精彩, 除了列举了未来会做什么, 更为动人的是说自己已经开始行动了!
34. What are your salary expectations for this position? Starting salary? Salary in five years? 你期望的薪资是多少?你希望五年以后你的薪资是多少?
问题分析: 必问的问题。
回答示范1: I expect to have a salary between 4,000 and 5,000 as this is the average salary the students of our school can get. But we can negotiate that. As a new graduate I care about career development opportunities more than the starting salary. As to the salary in five years, frankly speaking, I haven’t even thought about it. The more the better, but of course, it depends on what I can do for the company.
点评1: 一个很适合应届毕业生的回答。
回答示范2: I make about 4,000 Yuan RMB now and I expect a salary from 5,000 to 6,000. It’s not so easy to tell how much I can make in five years. If I am still at the same position I don’t think the salary then will be too much different, however, I certainly hope I can do more important things for Adidas and then be offered a higher pay.
点评2: 一个很适合有经验申请人的回答。
七、 Questions 请提问
35. What questions do you have for me? 你有什么问题要问我的吗?
问题分析: 在这个问题上, 外国面试官要捕捉的信息点是: 第一, 你面试前做过足够的功课吗?第二, 你对自己所申请的职位, 有过深思熟虑吗?第三, 你是一个有想法的人吗?一个有思想有见解的人, 提出来的问题往往是有深度而且不流于形式的; 第四, 你是一个脚踏实地的人吗?一个踏实的人, 往往会更加关注具体的工作内容, 而不是问一个海阔天空的大问题。此外, 要注意到面试官的身份, 如果他来自HR部门, 你的问题可以和培训和职业发展有关系; 如果他来自业务部门, 你的问题最好和自己的工作职责有关。
回答示范1: My question may sound a bit stupid, but I really want to know, do you prefer to hire male sales reps more than females? You know it’s true in many other companies. I am a bit concerned about this you know because I really want this job.
点评1: 不错, 利用提问强调了自己对该职位的热诚, 同时也直言不讳地表示了自己的忧虑。女性申请人在申请以男性为主导的职位, 如销售职位时, 不妨直言询问对方对招聘对象性别的期望值, 以及女性在这样以男性为主导的团队中的职业发展问题。
回答示范2: May I know what the sales assistants before me are doing now, I mean, did they transfer to other positions or leave Nike?
点评2: 一个很实在的提问。如果你在一间比较成熟的外企应聘秘书或助理之类的职位, 不妨直言相问原来这个职位的人哪里去了?是离开还是转其他岗位了?
回答示范3: I’m most interested in the career structure of this position. Do most members of this department follow the career path of “auditor—team leader—manager?” Actually I’ve learnt some information about it from the career talk, but I wonder if there is anything else I can know about it?
1. What’s the meaning of your English name? 你的英文名字有什么含义么?
问题分析: 有些申请人的英文名字不合常规, 比如叫King, 或者Sushi, 或者Monk等等。面试官询问这些申请人名字的含义, 主要有几个目的:
第一, 缓解面试的紧张气氛; 第二, 面试官也有一点点好奇心; 第三, 给申请人一个展示自己独特个性的机会, 因为敢于给自己起独特名字的人往往具有很独特的个性,
普通回答: Actually, Sushi is my nickname. My friends gave me this name because I like to eat the Japanese food sushi.
点评: 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?在中国吃寿司价格不菲, 如果吃寿司吃到了朋友给你起了“寿司”这个外号的地步,
这个申请人一定不会是囊中羞涩的人。同志们想一下, 我们在面试的时候, 是把自己伪装成“艰苦朴素”, 还是“锦衣玉食”呢?即使现如今寿司已经跌价到人尽可食的地步,
你这个回答也只是在告诉面试官: 嘿, 我可是个好吃的人啊!比较一下以下的这个回答, 你就知道哪个更胜一筹了。
回答示范1: As a matter of fact, Sushi is a nickname my friends gave me, because I like sushi and like to make sushi. I can make about ten different kinds of sushi! My friends say that my personality is a bit like sushi, simple but good,hehe.
点评1: 与刚才的回答相比, 这个回答体现出你是个什么样的人呢?一个擅长制作寿司的女孩子一定是动手能力比较强的, 而且喜欢做一些琐碎小事的人。同时,
把寿司的优点引申成自己的个性优点: 简单而美好, 真是一个不错的比喻。
回答示范2: The name King may sound a bit aggressive, I hope it's won’t make you feel uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, I chose the name King simply because it sounds like my Chinese name Jing. But, there is also a hidden meaning in it,that is, I wish to conquer diseases like a King!
点评2: 如果你给自己起了一个类似“国王”这样比较aggressive的名字,
回答示范3: My given name in Chinese is Meng, so I chose Monk to be my English name.I admire the spirit of monks, you know, abstinence and tolerance.
点评3: 回答得妙呀, 不仅仅真实, 而且展现了自己的独特个性, 告诉面试官自己身上有和尚般的优秀品质: 克制欲望、 容忍。面试官只要不想嫁给你,
2. What’s the meaning of your email address? 你的电子邮件地址有什么寓意么?
问题分析: 当代青年男女个性张扬, 所以连email地址也颇为独特。令笔者或迷惑或微笑的email 地址有很多, 比如neverlazy,
bighead, lazyfish, 52n52n, yulovehong等等。与上一个问题一样, 善于交流的面试官往往乐于给你一个机会展示自己的个性。
较差回答: Lazyfish? Oh, I admire the goldfish for living an easy life. Compared to goldfish, human beings live a fast-paced life. So I chose this email address to make me feel a bit relaxed.
点评: 个性倾向于过慵懒的生活, 唉!
较差回答: 52n52n? oh, it means “I love you, I love you,” because 5 sounds like“I” in Chinese, and 2 for “love”, n for “you”. I registered this address to please my girlfriend, hehe.
点评: 公开示爱?啧啧, 除了他的女朋友会觉得甜蜜蜜, 别的人一律会露出特虚伪的笑容或胃里泛酸。唉!
回答示范: Neverlazy? Oh, I want to encourage myself never to be lazy! You know I
am a hardworking person. So, it’s my slogan!
点评: 在email地址中都要给自己励志的女子, 一定是个超级工作狂, 好呀!
Education 关于教育背景的问题